Science in Motion
At the Lehigh Carbon Community College Science in Motion Program (LCCC SIM), your wish is our command. This is a FREE program that is funded by a grant from the PA Department of Education. Explore our website to see all the resources that we have to offer!!! Tap the + sign next to the EXPLORE pull down menu (shown in the upper left corner of this page) to see our extensive list of experiments, equipment and supplies that are yours for the asking. Looking forward to working with you! Have a great day!
Mark Case Project Director & Mobile Educator
Open-Apply on LCCC website Assistant Project Director & Mobile Educator
Derrick Vincent Mobile Educator
Group Email:
Office Phone: 610-799-1993 ext. 1993
The LCCC Science in Motion Program has secured funding for the start of the 2024-2025 school year!!! We will be able to use these funds through the end of December, 2026. We also expect additional grant funding to arrive prior to that date, which will keep the doors open through the end of the 2025-2026 school year. This will allow us to avoid future breaks in service and expand our outreach and support for your science classes. Our staff began operations on September 3, 2024!. If you have been anxiously waiting to take advantage of our program, now is your chance. Thank you for your patience.
The LCCC SIM Staff has purchased licenses and subscriptions to 3 programs that allow for detailed graphical and statistical analysis of experimental data. These include Pivot Interactives that provide detailed video and animated displays of scientific events, with tools for analysis. Also, Vernier Graphical Analysis Pro and/or Vernier Video Analysis include saved videos and data from actual lab experiments in all science subject areas. Students can interpret the results and discover the principles involved.
The licenses for the two Vernier apps allow us to share them with all teachers and their students that the LCCC SIM program serves.
The Pivot Interactives license is more restrictive, and we can offer as many subscriptions as needed for a teacher’s largest class. (limit of 30, unless otherwise requested) A teacher can share these subscriptions with all of their classes by setting up multiple classes, but having only 1 active class at a time.
If a teacher would like to use any or all of these 3 programs with their students, please use the link below to submit your request(s). The SIM staff needs to keep accurate records of the utilization of our services. Therefore, please complete a separate request form to obtain access for each program, including the total number of classes and students that will use each one. You will receive confirmation of your submitted request(s) by one of the SIM staff within 72 hours.
Our Mission
Lehigh Carbon Community College’s mission is to respond to the community by providing affordable, accessible, and high quality education. Science in Motion helps to fulfill this mission by providing sponsor schools with science resources, teaching support and professional development at no cost. LCCC is excited to be a part of the Science in Motion program because it is another way for us to serve the community and help provide science instruction to students and teachers that many school districts would not be able to otherwise afford. The Science in Motion (SIM) program is housed in Science Hall at LCCC’s Schnecksville Campus.
What is Science in Motion?
Science in Motion (SIM) is a Pennsylvania Department of Education grant funded program that is housed at Lehigh Carbon Community College in addition to 11 other colleges throughout the state of Pennsylvania. SIM was started in 1987 in collaboration with Juniata College. Currently the program services over 200 school districts at no cost to the schools. In the 2019-2020 school year, 640 different teachers utilized 750 different labs through the SIM program.
The SIM program at LCCC will prep experiments, order chemicals, take care of safety materials and dispose of chemicals used all at no cost to the school. Not only can teachers borrow equipment, but they can also request a Mobile Educator to help co-teach their classes. SIM will also host professional development for teachers to learn how to use the equipment in their classrooms and stay up to date on the latest advancements.